Opções de inscrição
Why this course? This course arises in the context of the expanding possibilities for blended teaching and learning created by the EdTech-UEM sub-program. The goals of EdTech-UEM are consistent with the UEM strategic plan which includes the importance of integrating technology in teaching and learning. The pioneering work in several UEM units on the use of ICTs for teaching and learning, notably the Faculty of Education and the Centre for Distance Learning (CEND), dates back a few years, but progress has always been limited by infrastructure, resource constraints, Internet access and the experience and knowledge of lecturers.
Thus, other components of the EdTech programme include the rehabilitation of communication networks within UEM, an increase in bandwidth and improved management capacity, and an increase in the computer equipment available within Faculties and Schools, as well as scholarships for graduate studies in the field of educational technologies. As a purpose, it is intended that most teachers and students of UEM will have access to the benefits of technological integration in their courses. At the most practical level this will mean that UEM teachers design their courses well for blended (and in some cases online) teaching and use the Moodle-based Vula platform courses to support learning by their students.
The planned roll-out of the EdTech-UEM staff development course in the blended mode to all the UEM campuses was delayed by the advent of the global COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. The course has now been adapted for fully online provision, and the roll-out phase is able to commence online. The course will also be provided in a blended face-to-face format when conditions allow. Comments and input from participants will be important contributions to the further revisions and institutional adoption and sustainability.
Description: We will start on this learning journey together by exploring what is possible with educational technology and then engage with course design, online and blending teaching, and the creation and collation of resources and activities. By the end of the EdTech course participants will be equipped to complete the development of their new blended/online courses.
- Facilitator: Brenda Mallinson
- Alunos inscritos: Ainda não existem alunos inscritos nesta disciplina.