- Teacher: Jacob Fortuna Jose Chimuca
- Teacher: Jacob Fortuna José Chimuca
- Teacher: Jacob Fortuna José Chimuca
- Teacher: Claudio António Matusse
- Teacher: Paulo Jose Muando
- Teacher: Paulo José Muando
- Teacher: Osvaldo Silva Zefanias Nhassengo
- Teacher: Osvaldo Silva Zefanias Nhassengo
- Teacher: Stélio Boaventura Paulino Nuvunga
- Enrolled students: 32
- Teacher: Claudio António Matusse
- Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
I. Course Overview
This course is a follow up of English 1 and it aims at developing both the communicative and linguistic competences of students. It is expected that constant practice on reading, writing, speaking, and listening will inspire students towards learning. Grammar matters will be discussed including not limited to articles, passives, time clauses, verb tenses, inflectional and derivational morphology. There will also be discussions on topics such as time and conflict management, new business, marketing as to help students improve their vocabulary.
- Teacher: Nelio Mariano Candido
- Enrolled students: 39
- Teacher: Umbelina Da Conceicao Victorino Cossa
- Teacher: Umbelina da Conceinção Victorino Cossa
- Enrolled students: 30
- Teacher: Nuvunga Joel Jorge Nuvunga
- Teacher: Joel Jorge nuvunga
- Teacher: Joel Jorge Nuvunga
- Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
- Teacher: Sidonio F Abilio Bambo
- Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.