Performance, indicateurs boursiers, étude d'évènements, création de valeur, lobbying, stratégie politique d'entreprise, intelligence économique, le BABA de l'intelligence économique (la veille, répondre aux besoins d'information des entreprises, les 5 étapes du processus de veille, les différents types de montre, dispositif de montre, pièges à éviter, influencer, défendre ses intérêts particuliers, dans le respect de l'intérêt général, mettre en place des actions d'influence, normalisation internationale et stratégie d'influence, sécurité économique, sécuriser le patrimoine économique, le guide des intelligence
- Professor: Emmanuel CARQUIN
- Professor: Sid LAMROUS
- Professor: Fernando Luzerno A. C Lichucha
- Alunos inscritos: 18
International economics and industrial strategies, international business law, European and international projects, financial management of international investment, diagnosis, economic intelligence, interculturality and management of trust in complex projects, studies by geographical area.
- Professor: Emmanuel CARQUIN
- Professor: Fernando Luzerno A. C Lichucha
- Alunos inscritos: 18
Being able to create a company in HSE, undertaking and economic realities, legal, social and financial planning, financial products and insurance, financial arrangements, globalized tax management, business transfer, franchising, e-business, corporate structures in Europe and their regulations, VAT, depreciation, wages, disposals, provisions, profit and loss account, analysis of competition, definition of a general policy and strategic activities, financial market awareness, Innovation for the creation of a business : from the idea to the project Traditional business models and new models, the stages of business creation: process, constitution, accounting and management Writing business plan, development plan and cash flow plan, research of funds and control of risks related to the activity
- Professor: Emmanuel CARQUIN
- Professor: Fernando Luzerno A. C Lichucha
- Alunos inscritos: 18
Economic model for the HSE activity, cost and financing of an HSE policy, taxation, the quantification of an HSE policy, the economic and financial impact of an HSE policy, insurance in HSE.
- Professor: Macheca Afonso Daniel Macheca
- Professor: Macheca Afonso Daniel Macheca
- Professor: Emmanuel CARQUIN
- Alunos inscritos: 24